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Configure the design system

The design system is configured in a human and machine readable format known as YAML. This format works across all operating systems, platforms, programming languages, and is easily accessible for both designers and developers.

Before we dive into all configurable settings, a few must know concepts are described below.

Unitless values#

All configuration settings that require a unit based value (px, pt, sp, etc) must be defined using a unitless number. During the compilation phase, this unitless value will be calculated according to the platform target, and output with the required unit suffix.

When configuring, assume a unit based on the following table.


Scaled patterns#

A good portion of the configuration provides an automatic scaling alternative, based on modular scale (more info). This alternative calculates, measures, and provides optimal proportions and density automatically, which alleviates the burden from designers and developers.

Settings that support scaling will always have a sibling setting of the same name, suffixed with Scale. Scale values are either a float that defines an explicit ratio, or a kebab-cased string that maps to a common ratio name, like golden-ratio (view all scale types).

# Floats
sizeScale: 1.25
# Strings
sizeScale: major-fourth

If you want to use scaling for a specific group of settings, but not an individual setting, pass 0 as the scale ratio.

Extending configs#

Instead of duplicating entire configurations, you can extend an existing configuration (of the same type) by providing a design system name, or a relative file path.

# Design system name
extends: other-config
# Relative config file
extends: ../some/other/config/language.yaml

Works for all brand.yaml, language.yaml, and themes.yaml files.