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The following web format is provided when compiling design tokens to JavaScript using web-js, or TypeScript using web-ts. It utilizes exported constant variables for reusability.

For the remainder of this documentation, we'll use TypeScript as our format.

File structure#

During compilation, an index.ts file will be created based on the design system YAML configuration file. Additional themes/<name>.ts files will be created for each theme configured in the YAML file.

This would look something like the following:

├── themes/
│ ├── day.ts
│ └── night.ts
└── index.ts

JavaScript formats will use .js file extensions.


As mentioned above, a design system and multiple theme files are created. The design system file defines primitive variables, while each theme file defines color and palette variables.

The compiled design system file looks something like the following (JavaScript will not have types or imports):

import {
} from '@aesthetic/system';
export const border: BorderTokens = {
sm: {
radius: '0.11rem', // 1.50px
width: '0rem', // 0px
df: {
radius: '0.21rem', // 3px
width: '0.07rem', // 1px
lg: {
radius: '0.32rem', // 4.50px
width: '0.14rem', // 2px
export const breakpoint: BreakpointTokens = {
xs: {
query: 'screen and (min-width: 45.71em)',
querySize: 640,
rootLineHeight: 1.33,
rootTextSize: '14.94px',
sm: {
query: 'screen and (min-width: 68.57em)',
querySize: 960,
rootLineHeight: 1.42,
rootTextSize: '15.94px',
md: {
query: 'screen and (min-width: 91.43em)',
querySize: 1280,
rootLineHeight: 1.52,
rootTextSize: '17.01px',
lg: {
query: 'screen and (min-width: 114.29em)',
querySize: 1600,
rootLineHeight: 1.62,
rootTextSize: '18.15px',
xl: {
query: 'screen and (min-width: 137.14em)',
querySize: 1920,
rootLineHeight: 1.73,
rootTextSize: '19.36px',
export const depth: DepthTokens = {
content: 100,
navigation: 1000,
sheet: 1100,
overlay: 1200,
modal: 1300,
toast: 1400,
dialog: 1500,
menu: 1600,
tooltip: 1700,
export const heading: HeadingTokens = {
l1: {
letterSpacing: '0.25px',
lineHeight: 1.5,
size: '1.14rem', // 16px
l2: {
letterSpacing: '0.33px',
lineHeight: 1.69,
size: '1.43rem', // 20px
l3: {
letterSpacing: '0.44px',
lineHeight: 1.9,
size: '1.79rem', // 25px
l4: {
letterSpacing: '0.59px',
lineHeight: 2.14,
size: '2.23rem', // 31.25px
l5: {
letterSpacing: '0.79px',
lineHeight: 2.4,
size: '2.79rem', // 39px
l6: {
letterSpacing: '1.05px',
lineHeight: 2.7,
size: '3.49rem', // 48.80px
export const shadow: ShadowTokens = {
xs: {
x: '0rem', // 0px
y: '0.14rem', // 2px
blur: '0.14rem', // 2px
spread: '0rem', // 0px
sm: {
x: '0rem', // 0px
y: '0.23rem', // 3.24px
blur: '0.27rem', // 3.75px
spread: '0rem', // 0px
md: {
x: '0rem', // 0px
y: '0.37rem', // 5.24px
blur: '0.39rem', // 5.50px
spread: '0rem', // 0px
lg: {
x: '0rem', // 0px
y: '0.61rem', // 8.47px
blur: '0.52rem', // 7.25px
spread: '0rem', // 0px
xl: {
x: '0rem', // 0px
y: '0.98rem', // 13.71px
blur: '0.64rem', // 9px
spread: '0rem', // 0px
export const spacing: SpacingTokens = {
xs: '0.31rem', // 4.38px
sm: '0.63rem', // 8.75px
df: '1.25rem', // 17.50px
lg: '2.50rem', // 35px
xl: '3.75rem', // 52.50px
type: 'vertical-rhythm',
unit: 17.5,
export const text: TextTokens = {
sm: {
lineHeight: 1.25,
size: '0.89rem', // 12.45px
df: {
lineHeight: 1.25,
size: '1rem', // 14px
lg: {
lineHeight: 1.25,
size: '1.13rem', // 15.75px
export const typography: TypographyToken = {
font: {
heading: 'Roboto',
locale: {},
monospace: '"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace',
text: '"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace',
'system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"',
rootLineHeight: 1.25,
rootTextSize: '14px',

While the compiled theme files look loosely like this (removed some repetition for brevity):

import { PaletteToken } from '@aesthetic/system';
export * from '..';
export const brand: PaletteToken = {
color: {
'00': '#eceff1',
'10': '#cfd8dc',
'20': '#b0bec5',
'30': '#90a4ae',
'40': '#78909c',
'50': '#607d8b',
'60': '#546e7a',
'70': '#455a64',
'80': '#37474f',
'90': '#263238',
bg: {
base: '#78909c',
focused: '#607d8b',
hovered: '#546e7a',
selected: '#607d8b',
disabled: '#90a4ae',
fg: {
base: '#546e7a',
focused: '#455a64',
hovered: '#37474f',
selected: '#455a64',
disabled: '#607d8b',
text: '#37474f',
// export const primary: PaletteToken = {};
// export const secondary: PaletteToken = {};
// export const tertiary: PaletteToken = {};
// export const neutral: PaletteToken = {};
// export const muted: PaletteToken = {};
// export const warning: PaletteToken = {};
// export const danger: PaletteToken = {};
// export const negative: PaletteToken = {};
// export const positive: PaletteToken = {};


Variables can be imported and accessed by name from the compiled theme file.

import { heading, brand } from './styles/<target>/themes/day';
heading.l3.size; // 1.79rem
brand.color['30']; // #90a4ae