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Render options

The following features can be enabled on case-by-case basis using render options.

Deterministic classes#

Since the style engine generates atomic CSS, the amount of class names required grows rather quickly, as we need 1 class name for every 1 declaration. Class names use an autoincremented approach, where we combine an alphabet character and a counter, to return names like a, j4, and z8. However, the class name returned for a declaration cannot be guaranteed, as the order of insertion may change, or the autoincremented value may differ, as shown below.

engine.renderDeclaration('margin', 0); // -> a
engine.renderDeclaration('display', 'flex'); // -> b
// Page refreshed and order changes
engine.renderDeclaration('display', 'flex'); // -> a
engine.renderDeclaration('margin', 0); // -> b

That being said, Aesthetic does support the concept of deterministic classes, where the same class name will always be returned for the same declaration, regardless of insertion order or other factors. Perfect for scenarios like unit testing. It does this by hashing the CSS rule itself, and generating a unique class name based on the hash.

Deterministic classes can be enabled when rendering by using the deterministic option.

engine.renderDeclaration('margin', 0, { deterministic: true }); // -> c1cpw2zw
engine.renderDeclaration('display', 'flex', { deterministic: true }); // -> cu4ygwf
// Page refreshed and order changes
engine.renderDeclaration('display', 'flex', { deterministic: true }); // -> cu4ygwf
engine.renderDeclaration('margin', 0, { deterministic: true }); // -> c1cpw2zw


Directionality is the concept of localizing the direction of styles to support RTL (right-to-left) languages. By default, Aesthetic assumes and requires all styles to be LTR (left-to-right).

// Left-to-right
marginLeft: '10px',
paddingRight: 0,
textAlign: 'left',
}); // -> a b c
.a {
margin-left: 10px;
.b {
padding-right: 0;
.c {
text-align: left;

RTL can be enabled when rendering by configuring the @aesthetic/addon-direction package and using the direction option.

// Right-to-left
marginLeft: '10px',
paddingRight: 0,
textAlign: 'left',
direction: 'rtl',
); // -> d e f
.d {
margin-right: 10px;
.e {
padding-left: 0;
.f {
text-align: right;

Many CSS properties and values that use the words "left" or "right" have been replaced by direction agnostic equivalents. Read the RTL guidelines for more information on these and how to properly mirror content.

Unit suffixes#

Defining a property value using a number (10) instead of a unit suffixed number (10px) is easier to read and write, and as such, Aesthetic supports this pattern. By default, all numerical values are automatically suffixed with px, unless the property in question requires no unit.

marginLeft: 10,
lineHeight: 1.25,
}); // -> a b
.a {
margin-left: 10px;
.b {
line-height: 1.25;

Units can be customized when rendering by using the unit option. This option accepts a string.

// All units as "rem"
marginLeft: 10,
paddingBottom: 15,
unit: 'rem',
); // -> a b
.a {
margin-left: 10rem;
.b {
padding-bottom: 15rem;

Vendor prefixes#

If the engine was configured with a vendorPrefixer option, a rendered rule will include vendor prefixes if the vendor option is true. View the @aesthetic/addon-style package for more information.

appearance: 'none',
minWidth: 'fit-content',
{ vendor: true },
); // -> a b
.a {
-ms-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
.b {
min-width: -webkit-fit-content;
min-width: fit-content;

Specificity rankings#

When an application and its CSS grows, the chance for specificity issues gradually arise. For example, if class a was rendered first, but we need it to override class b, which was rendered later, this wouldn't be possible with the default atomic cache. To work around this, Aesthetic supports the concept of specificity rankings, where each class name is given a rank based on insertion order.

const a = engine.renderDeclaration('color', 'red'); // -> a (rank 1)
const b = engine.renderDeclaration('color', 'blue'); // -> b (rank 2)
// Will be blue, even though a comes after b
const className = `${b} ${a}`;

This ranking is not enabled by default, as it does insert duplicate properties to solve specificity issues, which results in larger CSS. For example, for a to override b above, we would simply insert a new class with the same declaration as a, which would result in a new class of c that has a higher specificity.

To enable specificity rankings, pass an empty object to the rankings option. This object acts a cache and lookup for rank resolutions.

const rankings = {};
const a = engine.renderDeclaration('color', 'red', { rankings }); // -> a (rank 1)
const b = engine.renderDeclaration('color', 'blue', { rankings }); // -> b (rank 2)
const c = engine.renderDeclaration('color', 'red', { rankings }); // -> c (rank 3)
// Will be red since c overrides all
const className = `${b} ${a} ${c}`;