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Provides a direction to all children using context. Accepts the following optional props.

  • direction (ltr | rtl) - Explicit direction to use. Should not be used with value.
  • inline (boolean) - Render an inline element instead of block.
  • value (string) - Locale aware string to deduce the direction from. Should not be used with direction.
import { DirectionProvider } from '@aesthetic/react';
<DirectionProvider direction="rtl">
<Component />


Provides the current theme to the entire application and must be rendered at the root. Accepts the following optional props.

  • name (string) - Explicit name of a theme to provide. If undefined, will automatically determine the best theme.
import { ThemeProvider } from '@aesthetic/react';
<App />


Provides a theme to a target component tree and will override the root theme. Requires the following prop.

  • name (string) - Explicit name of a theme to provide.
import { ThemeProvider, ContextualThemeProvider } from '@aesthetic/react';
<Component />
<ContextualThemeProvider name="night">
<Component />

Renders a wrapping div with CSS variables under the hood.



useCss(rule: Rule, options?: RenderOptions): Rule

Renders a low-level rule object and returns a class name. If passing options, be sure to memoize to avoid unnecessary renders!

import { useCss } from '@aesthetic/react';
const styles = { display: 'block' };
export default function Component() {
const options = useMemo(() => ({ deterministic: true }), []);
const { className, variants } = useCss(styles, options);
return <div className={className} />;


useDirection(): Direction

Returns the current direction, either ltr or rtl.

import { useDirection } from '@aesthetic/react';
export default function Component() {
const direction = useDirection();
return <div />;


useStyles(styleSheet: LocalSheet): StyleResultGenerator

Requires a local style sheet and returns a function to use for class name generation.

import { useStyles } from '@aesthetic/react';
import styleSheet from './styles';
export default function Component() {
const cx = useStyles(styleSheet);
return <div className={cx('element')} />;


useTheme(): Theme<ElementStyles>

Returns the current theme or throws an error.

import { useTheme } from '@aesthetic/react';
export default function Component() {
const theme = useTheme();
return <div />;



withDirection()(component: React.ComponentType): React.FunctionComponent

Wraps a component to pass the current direction as a direction prop.

import { withDirection, WithDirectionWrappedProps } from '@aesthetic/react';
function Component({ direction }: WithDirectionWrappedProps) {
return <div />;
export default withDirection()(Component);


withStyles(styleSheet: LocalSheet)(component: React.ComponentType): React.FunctionComponent

Wraps a component with a local style sheet to pass a compose prop (renamed to cx) to use for class name generation.

import { withStyles, WithStylesWrappedProps } from '@aesthetic/react';
import styleSheet from './styles';
function Component({ compose: cx }: WithStylesWrappedProps<'element'>) {
return <div className={cx('element')} />;
export default withStyles(styleSheet)(Component);


withTheme()(component: React.ComponentType): React.FunctionComponent

Wraps a component to pass the current theme as a theme prop.

import { withTheme, WithThemeWrappedProps } from '@aesthetic/react';
function Component({ theme }: WithThemeWrappedProps) {
return <div />;
export default withTheme()(Component);



createStyled(type: React.ElementType | React.ComponentType, styleSheet: ElementStyles | LocalSheetFactory): StyledComponent

Creates and returns a styled component using the provided style sheet.

import { createStyled } from '@aesthetic/react';
const Button = createStyled('button', (css) => ({
display: 'inline-flex',
textAlign: 'center',
padding: css.var('spacing-md'),
const BlockButton = createStyled(Button, {
display: 'flex',
width: '100%',


An alias for createElementStyles.


An alias for createComponentStyles.


An alias for createStyled.


An alias for createThemeStyles.



renderToStyleElements(engine: Engine): React.ReactNode

Renders extracted styles into a collection of style elements. Elements must be rendered in the HTML document.

const elements = renderToStyleElements(engine);